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Nurturing Love: A Doula's Guide to Intimacy During Pregnancy & Postpartum
As we embrace the love-filled month of February, I want to share some special insights that go beyond flowers and chocolates. Join me in exploring the beautiful journey of intimacy during pregnancy and the fourth trimester (and how to keep the flame burning bright!)
Nurturing Tradition: The “Groaning Cake” as a Timeless Embrace in Modern Birthing
As a doula, I've witnessed the profound impact that traditions can have on the birthing experience. One such ancient ritual that has woven its way into the tapestry of childbirth is the groaning cake, or kimbly. Beyond its delectable taste, the groaning cake carries rich symbolism, connecting us to a heritage of support, resilience, and celebration.
Hygge Harmony: Embracing Coziness in Your Pregnancy Journey
Explore the warmth of hygge in your birth journey. Discover how this cozy philosophy enhances pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum experiences. Elevate your hygge-inspired routine and create a cozy haven for you and your growing family.
Embracing the Power of Setting Intentions in Pregnancy
Setting intentions involves consciously focusing on your desires and aspirations for the future. During pregnancy, it can serve as a guiding light, helping you navigate the changes and prepare emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the arrival of your little one.
Homemade Laborade Recipe: Stay Hydrated and Energized During Labor
As you prepare for the incredible experience of childbirth, remember that hydration and energy play significant roles in your comfort and stamina during labor. This homemade Laborade can be a great addition to your birth plan!
The Role of a Doula
The beautiful concept of a doula traces back to ancient times. Derived from ancient Greek, 'doula' translates to "a woman who serves." Throughout history, from small tribal communities to expansive ancient civilizations, doulas played a pivotal role. They were not just assisting in childbirth but also offering wisdom, comfort, and emotional succor to expecting mothers.
Celebrating Breastfeeding Mothers
To the mammas that breastfeed for any amount of time: 1 hour, 1 day or 3 years, this week is celebrating you, your selflessness and your strength. In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, we recognize YOU 👏🏼 What was your breastmilk/feeding journey like?
Blink Big
My son recently graduated from high school, and I was remembering the times when he was little and I would frequently hear an older mom say, “Don't blink! It goes so fast!” I would smile and nod and say “thank-you,” when they would say that to me, because I know the intention was good, but inside I would be feeling sad and stressed, thinking, “Do you think I am not aware of how fast time is flying or how hard I am trying to soak it all in everyday??”
Support, Access, and Community on the Journey to Motherhood
My journey into birthwork began with a desire to support moms in crisis or unplanned pregnancies. After graduating college, I wanted to put my passions into action. So, I moved myself out West to live in a maternity home that provided housing to pregnant and parenting women formerly experiencing homelessness. Through this experience, I saw firsthand what a special yet vulnerable time pregnancy, birth, and postpartum can be for so many women, especially if one is lacking the proper support and education.
My Journey to Become a Doula
I had always wanted to do birth work, but I thought it would come later in life, after I had children of my own. But the longer our fertility journey went on, the more desire I had to go for it sooner rather than later.
Five Things to Know Before Your Ultrasound at Nurture
It’s a magical experience to peek into the womb and see your baby. Sometimes, in the midst of feeling nauseous, exhausted, and stretched to the max it’s easy to forget that beneath those uncomfortable side-effects of pregnancy is an adorable, tiny, beautiful human being— fully alive and conscious within you.
Affirmations Wall
This beautiful “Affirmations Wall” caught my eye the other day while attending a birth. Isn’t it lovely? I love all the colors and phrases on each card. This mamma surrounded herself with positivity every step of her pregnancy and everything that she put into her birth came back to her tenfold, in every way. It was so inspiring!
This is hypno-birthing
This is hypno-birthing. This is labor starting with so many unknowns and a mamma who practiced and practiced and practiced taking one step at a time. And breathing into each step. Expanding. Contracting. Expanding. Expanding. Contracting. Two steps forward, one step back.
Prenatal Guided Meditation is more than just relaxation.
Relaxing, learning how to calm your body and breathe during labor and releasing areas of tension are only some of the benefits of meditation during pregnancy.
Bonding with your baby, releasing old fears and worries, connection to your body and your baby in ways you never thought you could...all are supported with regular mindfulness practices.
Are you expecting a little elf this December?
Are you expecting a little elf this December? Are you worried about whether or not they will be born on Christmas Day? Did you know that 🎄 Christmas Day is statistically the rarest day to give birth?
Patience, Faith, and Trust
Three words to describe my labor story… patience, faith, and trust.
The Call to Become a Doula
Of all the reasons I love being a doula, this may be my favorite.